Monday, February 16, 2009

I'm Moving!

To a different blog location :). Fooled ya, didn't I?

I've been noticing that every single time I log in to write, I get a little nauseated by the title of my blog. Fishsticks just aren't appealing to me right now (and not I'm not pregnant). I started this blog on a whim and came up with the title based on what was happening on that day, but I never really thought about how the title would sit with me a few weeks later. And it doesn't sit well with me any longer.

So I wanted something catchy that describes this stage of life I'm in and the best I could come up with is Learning as They Grow. Because it seems that my kids are growing up before my very eyes and I'm constantly learning what it means to be a good wife, mom and most importantly, Christian woman in today's world.

I hope my faithful friends here will revise their links and hook up with me at That's where I'll be from now on.

Love ya!


  1. thanks for stopping by my blog. I will look for you at your new blog!

  2. Hi, I'm following back. Love the blog. I'm having a blog hop today too - Catch a Wave Wednesday Blog Hop. Come check it out on

    Blogging Hints
    Busy Mom's Tips

  3. I just recently changed my blog's title too! It's a hard fence to jump over.

