Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Under Construction

I thought I could easily change the layout on this blog, but I was wrong. I'll still be posting, but there will probably be a lot of craziness with the design for a few days because I really have no idea what I'm doing.



  1. I highly recommend clicking the link in the top left corner of my blog- the "cutest blog on the block" link. They have free, super cute backgrounds for blogs and they're very easy to put on your page!!!

  2. I agree with Melanie. I do the "cutest blog on the block". It is super easy and they have so many different styles to choose from. I need to change mine and fix my music because Christmas is behind us now.

  3. You know what's funny, I just looked at Melanie's blog and we have the same background. What were the chances of that?

  4. LOL, great minds think alike! I should change mine too, but I love it so much. Plus, it's more wintery than Christmasy, and being in Ohio, that works for now!

  5. By Golly!! You guys were right! Thanks for the help. I have spent way too much time on this in the last three days. I'm going to try to do a new header and then a signature.

    I'm not surprised you guys have the same background... you're a lot alike!! You're both very sweet, sweet girls!

  6. I am starting to work on my layout too. I have to keep up with you. :)

  7. I just changed mine up too. Thanks for visiting my blog, btw!

